Private: News
Recycling Guidelines 07.04.19
A reminder to Morris residents of what is and isn’t acceptable in recycling bins.
Please keep in mind that everything we place in the recycling bin is handled by someone.
Please make sure all containers are emptied and rinsed out.Only place recyclable items in the blue carts. Use the green carts for compost and all other garbage in the black garbage carts.
Thank you for doing your part for our environment!
Dutch Elm Disease 06.24.19
If you suspect you may have an Elm tree that may be infected with DED, please call 204-945-7866 or toll free 866-626-4862 for more information and/or to be placed on a list for inspection.
What to Look For:
DED can progress quite quickly and these 3 symptoms can be seen during the summer:
- Sudden wilting or drooping of the leaves on one or more of the major branches in the crown of the tree. This stage is subtle and can sometimes be difficult to notice.
- Leaves turn yellow, then brown and shrivel, but stay on the tree; referred to as “flagging”.
- DED advances quickly and the affected branch will die and more of the tree becomes infected. You might see dead leaves falling out of season.
- Brown or red streaks in the wood when bark is peeled away
Why Should We be Concerned:
- Stored Elm wood is a breeding ground for elm bark beetles
- DED is a fungus carried by elm bark beetles
- All stored elm wood spreads DED by breeding elm bark beetles
- It is ILLEGAL to store or transport all elm wood in MB
Road Construction Notice 06.20.19
Sign-Up with Valley Fiber 06.07.19
2019 Meeting Minutes 04.07.19
Town of Morris Council 10.31.18