Service Groups
Morris is a very active community when it comes to community and service groups and we are fortunate to have many organizations in the area.
The following is a list of organizations that service the town. When provided by the organization, there is a short description of each. Links to websites have been provided to many of the organizations.
If you are interested in volunteering to help out the community and also meeting people from Morris and the surrounding area please contact any of the organizations below. They do good work in the community and are always looking for new people!
Community and Service Groups
Café 75 Drop in Centre
Jack Wiebe
Phone: (204) 746-6956
320 Boyne Avenue West
This is more than just a drop in come and hang out. It is a place where trust is built, friendships are made and most importantly love of Christ is shown.
Morris 1st Scouts (Cubs, Scouts)
Ted or Debbie Swift
Phone: (204) 712-6669
Cubs and Scouts are co-ed programs that run from September to June. These programs help develop skills as individuals and as teams. Cubs and Scouts are very involved in the community.
Morris Area Senior Services
Patricia Eidse, Coordinator
Phone: (204) 746-6336
Fax: (204) 746-8299
Box 997, Morris MB R0G 1K0
A program designed to offer support services to seniors of the community, enabling them to enjoy their independence for as long as possible.
Morris and District Centennial Museum Inc
Phone: (204) 746-2169
Located at 350 Main Street South, Corner of PTH #75 and PTH #23 East
Box 344 Morris MB R0G 1K0
- Display artifacts relating to the Morris and Area.
- Admission fee is by donation
- Open seasonally- June 1 to Aug. 31; 2 pm- 5 pm; 6 pm-8 pm daily
Morris and District Chamber of Commerce
Box 98 Morris MB R0G 1K0
We provide our members with opportunities to develop and promote their businesses, and foster a healthy economic and political environment between businesses and the public. Membership currently consists of 70 individuals and businesses in our community. The premier business population is rich in history, culture and natural landscape.
Morris and District Skating Association
MDSC President
Phone: (204) 918-4069
Box 57, Morris MB R0G 1K0
Can Skate is a fun, energetic ‘learn to skate’ program for ages 3 years and up. This program is approximately 21 weeks in length. The Skating Club also offers more advance programs such as Bridging, Star Skate and Synchronized Skating. These programs are for the more experienced and older age groups.
Morris Curling Club
Phone: (204) 746-6618
Box 674 Morris MB R0G 1K0
Morris District Handivan Service
Ellayn Ridalen
Phone: (204) 746-0681
Morris MB R0G 1K0
Morris Legion Branch # 111
Gerald Fontaine, President
Box 641 Morris MB R0G 1K0
- We promote the welfare of the Veterans and their widows, plus the welfare of our community.
- The Morris Legion Branch has assisted this community both in manpower and financially, upwards of $200,000.00. The Legion Branch has financially assisted such organizations as the library, Manitoba Stampede, the Hospital and The Youth Organizations.
- Open anytime
Morris Minor Hockey Association
Carolyn Thiessen
Phone: (204) 746-8505
Morris Volunteer Fire Fighters
Trevor Thiessen, Fire Chief
Steve Peters, Deputy Fire Chief
Box 28, Morris, Manitoba R0G 1K0
Red River Valley Parent Child Center
Cheryl Crick
Phone: (204) 746-2410
The Morris Parent-Child Centre focuses on parenting, nutrition, literacy, fitness and building community capacity.
Valley Agricultural Society
Box 849 Morris, MB R0G 1K0
Phone: 204-746-2552
Valley Regional Library
Claudia Schmidt
Diane Ali
Phone: (204) 746-2136
141 Main Street South Morris, Manitoba
Box 397, Morris MB R0G 1K0
- A public library serving the Town of Morris and R.M. of Morris with a community access intent site.
- The library services and special programs (e.g. author readings) are free.
- Internet service is $1.50 per hour.
- Hours of operation are Tuesdays thru Thursday 11:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Saturdays 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
- Click on the link to go to the Valley Library Facebook page!
If your group isn’t listed here or the information has changed please contact the Town of Morris at 204-746-2531 and we will update this information.