Waste and Recycling Collection
Morris Zone 1 -West 2025 Collection Schedule
Morris Zone 2– East 2025 Collection Schedule
Using the Carts
-Loose garbage should be bagged.
-Large items do not have to be bagged
-Branches must be bundled and able fit in the bin. Branches should be no thicker than 6 inches
-Please don’t pack garbage in or exceed 250 pounds of waste.
-Only waste INSIDE the cart will be collected
-Please notify us if your cart is damaged, stolen or vandalized.
-Please have the cart in its place for pickup week by 7:00 am
–Pull the cart, don’t push it – this will be much easier
-Do not place hot ashes, construction debris, or hazardous waste, such as oil paint cans with wet paint in the cart.
Please Note: Material placed outside the cart will NOT be collected.
Placing the Carts
-Place the cart with the wheels against the curb.
-Have the front of the cart towards the street.
-Leave an arms length of space between the cart and any other object.
-Don’t place the cart under an overhead obstruction.
-Place at the curb by 7 am.
Please see your attached Garbage Curbside Pamphlet (pdf) for additional information.
All recyclables in One Cart means no sorting, bagging, or tying recyclables; place all materials loose in your bin.
The following materials are accepted through our recycling provider:
-Please RINSE, remove labels, and flatten if possible.
-Newspapers, flyers, inserts, junk mail
-Magazines, catalogues, paperback books, hardcover books with covers and spine removed
-Telephone books or other paper directories
-Brown paper bags, tissue roll cores, gift and packaging paper, paper egg cartons
-Shredded paper (please bag)
Containers & Glass
Clean and Rinsed – Do Not Bag or Tie
-Aluminum soft drink and beer cans
-Glass food and beverage containers
-Household tin cans
-Milk cartons and jugs
-Gable top containers
-Juice cartons, boxes, and aseptic containers
-Plastic soft drink and water bottles
-Household plastic container and bottles
-Household plastic containers and bottles – must have the recycling arrows with a number (1,2,4,5,7) on the bottom.
(A container with the arrows but no number means the container is made from recycled materials, but may not be recyclable itself and cannot be accepted.)
Please see attached Curbside Recycling Pamphlet (pdf) for non-recyclable items. If there are non- recycling items in the cart, the cart will not be emptied.
– Pamphlet containing frequently asked questions and proper cart placement instructions
– Pamphlet containing a list of recyclables and non-recyclables
If you have missed your pickup day and wish to dispose of your recycling you may take it to the recycling depot located on the Public Works yard on 459 Boyne Ave West. The recycling depot is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Morris Home Hardware now accepts light bulbs and paint for recycling. Please make use of this service they are offering and stop by during business hours to drop off your old light bulbs and paint rather than throwing them away! For more information click on the links below.
Burnt Out Lightbulb Recycling (PDF)
Burnt Out Recycle Fluorescent Lights & Tube Recycling (PDF)
Paint Recycle MB (PDF)
Drop off your used oil containers at the Town Public Works yard (459 Boyne W) at any time of the year and receive a free replacement container of oil! (While supplies last). Please contact public works at (204) 746-2532 for drop offs. Please visit the MARRC (Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corp.) website for more information on used oil recycling.
E-Waste is now collected at the Public Works shed as well. Please call the public works to arrange an appointment for drop off or you may leave it outside of the shop entrance during business hours (8 am-4 pm) Monday to Friday.
The Town of Morris has partnered with the Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association in the Recycle Everywhere Program. Look for their receptacles throughout the town. Visit their website for more information!
Compost Material
Composting is nature’s way of recycling organic matter and nutrients back into the soil for use by new and growing plants. Food scraps, yard waste and other organic materials are broken down with the help of micro-organisms and turned into compost, a rich soil amendment.
Compost will be collected every Wednesday for both Zones (1 and 2) First collection will be Wednesday May 3rd. This will be on going until October 25th.
If you already compost on your own, and feel there is no need for you to have a compost bin please contact the Town Office at (204) 746-2531.
Beans Paper Plates
Bones Paper Towels
Bread Pasta
Cheese Pet Hair
Coffee Grounds & Filters Rice
Eggshells Sawdust
Feathers Seafood
Fruit Solid Cardboard
Garden Waste Tea Bags
Grass Uncoated Paper
Human Hair Vegetables
Leaves Wood chips
Aluminum Foil
Hazardous Wastes
Pet Waste
Plastic Bags, Wraps or Containers
Synthetic Fibre or Blends
If you have any concerns or require any assistance with your cart, please contact MWM Environmental directly at:
Phone: (204)822-0327
Toll Free: 1(866)886-1680
Email: admin@MWMEnviro.ca
Website: www.MWMEnviro.ca
We would also like to encourage residents to check out the MWM website where a reminder service is available to help keep you informed of your collection days and cancellations via email, text, phone, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
The Town of Morris offers its citizens excellent service compliments of Waste Management for garbage collection and residential recycling program.